Cryptocurrency trading world can be rough, the prices of the market swing constantly, often described as volatile as well. Predicting the trends of the cryptocurrency market is very difficult and the knowledge of the traditional market has become almost invaluable. It is crucial to know the dips and the highs on a daily basis in order to make profit, but sometimes it is good to know that there are many people out there who have made fortunes just by trading.
There are many people that have become millionaires practically overnight, just by ‘hodling’ or investing big amounts of money into digital currencies before they became popular. But also there are many developers and technology gurus, who worked in the scene and made their future thanks to cryptocurrencies. For example Chris Larsen, the co-founder and chief executive of Ripple, who is believed to be worth around $7.5B; then Joseph Lubin, worth $1-1.5B, the co-founder of the Ethereum platform; the Winklevoss brothers, worth around $1B; Changpeng Zhao, worth $1B-2B, CEO of Binance, and the list goes on.
But for the average day-trader of digital currencies who is new in this world, this list represents an unattainable standard of wealth. Nowadays the competition of the crypto market is very strong and dense, as there are approximately 50 million people who have entered the market and still continuously growing. It is not as easy to make money as it was in the very beginnings of crypto trading, but there are some people who have made big profits just by trading. Many of these people have extensive knowledge of the market and often correctly predict daily trends. These examples represent hope for the everyday traders but also for people who are looking to enter the cryptocurrency trading scene.
In this article, we will take a look at some of the world’s most famous millionaire traders.
The first name of the list represents a very interesting figure. Philakone is a canadian crypto trader who is also one of the most-followed traders on Twitter (@Philakonecrypto) with more than 100.000 followers. Philakone started from scratch and earned a lot of money using ETH trading. He describes himself as a professional cryptocurrency day trader, who is passionate about digital currencies. He is believed to have made big amounts of money on the crypto stock exchange by trading. He uses the ‘Elliot Wave Theory’ to predict the outcome of the market, which is a form of analysis of investor psychology and predicting positive and negative trends.
A quick look at his Twitter page shows that Philakone is very invested in the crypto market scene and that he knows a lot about the trends. He often shares his tips and predictions on Twitter, almost on a daily basis. He says, that he wants to spread the knowledge which helped him to earn a decent amount of money and even offers a course on Udemy which is aimed to help traders excel in crypto trading. He focuses mostly on BTC, XRP and BCH.
Another interesting fact about him is the drama about his girlfriend; he claims that his girlfriend stole $1.6M from him , what Philakone posted it on Twitter as well.
Well, it looks like following him on Twitter is never boring.

Eric Choe is a swing trader. He is still very young; graduated in 2016 in economics and started cryptocurrency trading only in 2017. He started when he was almost a student, and since then, he has amassed millions by trading. Eric describes himself as an academic – learning continuously about the market every day. He is one of the first technical crypto analysts, offering a lot of trading advice for those who are willing to earn from crypto trading. He owns a Twitter account (@Cryptochoe) with more than 150 thousand followers and also a website where he offers advices on theories about the crypto market.
Like Philakone, he uses the Elliot Wave Theory as well. He believes that BTC will grow, while 95% of other cryptocurrencies will be obsolete by 2020. Eric could be a great example for young people who are planning to enter the crypto market.
Excavo is one of the most popular traders and analysts on for BTC trading. Born as Eugene Loza, and his trading tips are the most read and most popular, and often very successful in their prediction. He has 80 thousand subscribers, and known to have made millions just by trading and successfully navigating through the market’s lows and highs. Sound like a good inspiration for traders, right?
Owns a Telegram and a Twitter page where he posts tips and predictions (@MisterEXCAVO). He has a crypto trader academy as well, where he teaches about predicting trends and successfully trading. He has a good hit rate (on his webpage he claims he has made more than 1000 correct calls). His advice for traders is to trade less and analyze the market when it is low.
Another Tradingview expert, he has less subscribers than Excavo but he is still a very good trader and has made a lot of profit by trading. He has a Youtube channel, and like the other traders in this article, a Twitter page (@Crypto_core), a Telegram and a Discord channel, where he provides -what a surprise- tips for trading.
Nick teaches market technical analysis, as his idea is that the more someone is educated about technical analysis of the market, the more likely he is going to gain profit. He has made his revenue in digital currency trading through deep market analysis and now he wants to teach others how to do the process also. He focuses on BTC, XRP and LTC.
He is one of the more experienced traders on this list. Tone has more than 10 years of experience prior his venture into digital currency trading. He used to work as a Wall Street risk analyst until 2013. Since then, he has been very successful in crypto trading.
He is not only a trader but also a speaker who tries to spread the information about the importance of cryptocurrencies and the freedom they offer. Tone is adamant that cryptocurrencies should become mainstream among all the currencies. On his website he shares trends and predictions, just like on his Telegram and Twitter page. He is very active and contributed to several podcasts; he also hosts one, called the Crypto Scam podcast, where he tries to uncover the scams that happen in the crypto world. Focuses mainly on BTC.
His character is a bit of an enigma, do not be fooled by the name. Whale Panda is one of the most successful BTC traders.
Not much is known about the person behind the Twitter account (@WhalePanda), except for a few rare interviews found on Youtube and that he comes from Belgium. He is a very strong supporter of BTC and he insists that it is the best cryptocurrency among all. He stated, in case it would fail, he would quit crypto trading altogether.
But despite his unorthodox, some might even say extreme aspect on the crypto world, he is still known to be a prolific trader. He posts many of his predictions and tips on his Twitter account, and many of them proved to be correct.
There are many traders on Twitter that are still worth mentioning, like Mr.Jozza (@MrJozza), who trades with BTC, and an another one with a funny name: Magic Poop Cannon, who also shows up on; Cryptobull is another profitable trader can be found on Twitter (@Cryptobull); CryptoSqueeze (@cryptoSqueeze), who is an expert in swing trading. All in all, there are numerous profiles that are successful and want to spread the knowledge of trading.

for To conclude, there are many great examples of crypto traders who have made a huge amount of money through trading. Many of them have been so successful that they are now trying to educate as many people as they can, on how to do it themselves. What stands out, is the fact, that most of the traders use market analysis to their own advantage in predicting the outcome of it. But we must also note, that even these great traders are not always right in their prediction and that mistakes will inevitably happen in a market, which is so volatile as the cryptocurrency market. As in any trading environment, it is best to use your head and truly believe that success will find you.
Crypto traders even have a special acronym for the upon mentioned remark. DYOR stands for “Do Your Own Research”. Which means, that you should never trust anyone else’s opinion without first verifying it based on your own research.
The examples of the above listed traders proves that it is still not too late to enter the cryptocurrency market. Hopefully, their stories will inspire novice traders who are hoping to make profitable deals using risk management order types and market analysis. You never know. Maybe you’ll be the next crypto millionaire.
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